The Best and Brightest at RHS
Every week, the RHS Reports team nominates a Richmond High School student or staff member who has demonstrated great character through their work and achievements to be recognized through the school newsletter.
Below are our Spotlight Nominees! Check out what these great people are doing in our school community.

Alissa Pritchett
Alissa Pritchett is a junior here at RHS. She is involved in basketball, golf, cheer, leadership, and NHS. In her free time, she enjoys hanging out with her friends and watching Grey’s Anatomy on Netflix.
Pritchett is a 4.0 student despite being involved in many activities such as a starter on the varsity girls’ basketball team. This shows her great work ethic in the classroom and in sports. However, her athletics were put on a pause after she sprained her foot in the conference basketball game against Carrollton. She continues to get better every day and she has stayed positive throughout her injury.
Pritchett is a role model for everyone here at RHS. When asked how she feels about her future here at RHS, she said “I'm so ready for my senior year of basketball and to make my last high school memories with all of my best friends.”

Ian List
Ian List is a model student. He is a 17 year old junior here at RHS and is involved in extracurricular activities such as Drama Club, Interact, and Choir.
He spends most of his free time watching movies and working on little projects. He says, “I love coming to school and getting to be with all the people who I would not otherwise get to see.”
In the fall musical Clue, Ian played Colonel Mustard who happened to be the killer on the last night of their show. Ian has been involved in every play since freshman year, “I like being a part of something great.”

Layne Cavanah
A tremendous athlete, Layne is involved in many sports at RHS. For the Spartan Football team he was the safety for defense and receiver for offence. He will also be on the basketball and baseball team this spring.
Layne said he was very excited for basketball season and explained that it is his favorite sport. He said, “I think we will be conference champs.” He is a point guard during basketball season, but plays many positions during baseball season.

Roger Holey
Roger Holey is a senior this year. When he’s not being the being the fun, outgoing guy everyone knows, Roger plays the clarinet in the RHS band.
In his free time, Roger also likes to play Black Ops and Assassin’s Creed. He also spends time watching Arrow, Blue Bloods, and The Flash on Netflix. He listens to all kinds of music, especially country, rock, and rap.
Roger is a guy that everyone likes to be around. Coach Quick says “Roger is one of the friendliest guys in the school, he always says hi to everybody.”
His favorite high school memory was stopping at a pizza joint after the band played at Staley, buying bouncy balls, and throwing them at Clymore to make him mad.
His advice to incoming freshman is “Do what you’re told and just get the work done, it’s a lot easier that way.”
After high school, Roger plans to become a truck driver.

Amy Howard
This is Amy Howard’s second year working as a secretary at RHS. Howard works in the office by taking attendance, handling discipline, answering the phone, and making reports.
The thing she loves most about her job is getting to know all the students. Mrs. Bowman said, “Amy is the first face you see when you come to RHS. Not only is she cute, sassy, and intelligent, but she truly cares about the students.”
Howard went to college at Missouri Western State University and obtained her associates degree in business. She now lives in Lawson with her husband and three children. In her free time, she enjoys going to her daughters softball games, and traveling the world.

Calvin Swafford
Calvin Swafford is a senior at Richmond High School. He is very involved in the school and is in numerous school activities, some of which include: football, basketball, baseball, NHS, Interact, and Scholar Bowl.
After high school he plans to attend the United States Air Force Academy or the United States Naval Academy. Recently, he visited the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado and said that, “ I believe the Air Force Academy is a place where I can succeed and reach my potential.“
Outside of school he likes to play basketball with friends and play Red Dead Redemption 2.

Lily Wirsig
Lily Wirsig, Freshman, became very involved when she started at RHS last fall. She is in Scholar Bowl, Student Council, Girls’ Tennis, and will play Mrs. McCucheon in the Spring performance of “The Man Who Came to Dinner” with the theatre department.
Proof that peer pressure is not always a bad thing, Wirsig said that it had a large part to play in how involved she has gotten this year. She was encouraged by her classmates to participate in a variety of organizations.
When asked how she feels on her first semester of high school, she said that “It’s a change, but I like it.” Wirsig thinks that the year has gone great so far and she plans on staying as involved as she is now throughout her high school career.

Autumn Fisk
Autumn is very active in RHS. She participates in Noteworthy Chamber Choir, Multimedia, and costumes for the play.
Fisk also recently joined Color Guard. When asked about this activity, she says that her teammates have
become like a family and she loves the sport. “I enjoy Color Guard a lot. It takes a lot of practice and can
be very difficult at times, but overall it’s been an amazing experience and I’m really glad I joined.”
Autumn’s future plans include attending Northwest Missouri State University, rooming with her best
friend, and studying Marine Biology.

Hannah Norris
Hannah is involved in many things at the school, including student council, golf, track, and she helps manage the wrestling team. She was excited about golf this year. Hannah also explained that she was ready for track season and she was definitely going to run distance this year.
Hannah is also the secretary of the sophomore class. She told us that everyone works together and they are all team players. Although Hannah is very busy, she is never too busy for art. She plans on entering as many art shows as she can this year.

Ms. Bowman & Mrs. Edwards
The week's leading up to Homecoming are often very stressful for those making sure everything is in
order. That was no different this year when Ms. Bowman and Mrs. Edwards took it on together for the
first time. When Ms. Bowman was asked about how the planning has gone so far, she said “we’ve got a
great team with the students. Our Leadership students have done a great job.”
She is also grateful for the support she has from her coworker Mrs. Edwards, who says that it “has been tons of fun.” The two think that they have made a great team and that the students involved in planning have done a great job. They are looking forward to a successful week.

Jodi Robinson
Jodi Robinson is a freshman this year at RHS. She is involved in softball, basketball, track, student council, band, and FFA. Jodi prioritizes her time by putting in a lot of hard work to try to keep track of her schedule and plan ahead of time.
Her favorite part about being a freshman at RHS is the responsibility that she gained coming into the school and the new freedoms that come with it. Jodi does not have one favorite teacher she actually likes all of her teachers because, “the teachers are willing to put in the time to help.”
This past week Jodi has done a phenomenal job with the FFA, “[she] placed first in area in speech contest and third at districts”. She enjoys FFA very much because “it’s something I’ve grown up around and it’s a big part of my life”. Her high school is off to a great start!

Luke Morrill
Luke Morrill is a sophomore at RHS. Morrill has lived in Richmond his whole life and roots for his favorite hometown team, The Kansas City Chiefs. When asked about the recent chiefs game, Morills opinion was, he’s ready to see more improvement from the defensive team. He also thought there were a lot of bad calls in the AFC Championship game.
We asked Morril if he had anything else to say, he said, “I hope the Rams win the Super Bowl.” His favorite class is biology, and he can not wait for tennis in the spring. He is excited to start working this summer. Morrill’s plans for the future are bright, he would like to be a Doctor, our school is so glad to have such a hard working Spartan.

Mrs. Henson
​Sarah Henson, History teacher, has been teaching for the last eight years. Her dad taught English for thirty-five years, which is what initially influenced her to start teaching herself. “History came from my sophomore world history teacher, Mrs. McDavid.” She loved the way Mrs. McDavid would talk about her travels, it made it seem more like story time, instead of class. Before becoming a history teacher, Henson wanted to be a lawyer, cook, and when she was younger, even a veterinarian.
Henson recently had her baby, Jack. It’s been difficult, she stated, because when she gets home, she still has work to do, and she doesn’t have as much time with Jack as she wants. “I like being here, I love my job, but when I go home it’s really hard.” Grading less papers at night and more during the weekend is how she is balancing her time between work and family. She is currently looking forward to her friend coming down and getting to see her son Jack.

Lennart Richterich & Andre Caracciolo
Lenny Ricthterich, a sophomore from Germany, is very excited to be here. He said, “There are some big differences, but I’m getting used to it. It’s fun actually.” A friend of his back home traveled as a foreign exchange student and told Lenny about his experience, which made Lenny want to do it as well.
Lenny has been playing baseball for a few years. He is currently on a competitive team here in the United States and will be trying out for high school baseball during the spring semester.
Andre Caracciolo is a fifteen-year-old student from Brazil. When asked why he decided to come to America, he said that it was his mother's idea and that he is glad that he took the opportunity to experience another culture.
So far he likes America, even though Americans apparently spit a lot – who knew? Andre plays on a soccer team in America and he will be trying out for the high school baseball team in the spring.