by: Belicia Smith
April fool’s day is full of laughs and pranks. The students and teachers at RHS had an interesting day while making sure to keep their guard up. One of the bigger pranks pulled in RHS this year took place in the band room. The students filled 750 Dixie cups full of water and scattered them throughout the floor of the band room.
Lexi Pierson, senior, has been getting pranked by her mom these past few years. In eighth grade Mrs. Pierson made quite a tasty lunch. Lexi went to drink her Dr. Pepper and quickly realized it was soy sauce, “So then I tried to eat my donuts and then they had baking powder in them,” Pierson said. Another prank took place when Mrs. Pierson removed the shower heads and placed chicken bouillon within them resulting in a chicken broth shower.

April fools has and will always be a fun tradition. Make sure to keep your prank safe, funny, and memorable RHS.