by: Hannah Truitt
The coffee shop is open before school through second chance breakfast. They have a variety of creamers, hot coffee, iced coffee, and hot chocolate. They are also expanding to include smoothies which should be available to purchase soon! In addition to the drinks, there is a school store with a selection of Spartan gear to order. Over the last three years, the shop has grown. Caleb Goodall, senior, who has been working for three years says that “When it first opened it didn’t have a lot of business.” However, if you have ever walked by and seen the lines, you know that is not true anymore! The reaction to the coffee shop has been overwhelmingly positive. James Lavis, sophomore, finds the shop “cool to work at.” Mrs. Slater who is the staff advisor has seen improvement in the students and the shop over the last two years. Make sure to go check it out!
